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The Wellness Studio, in Hampshire, is dedicated to enrichment of the mind and body. 

The concept of The Wellness Studio was born out of a philosophy of taking the time to focus on good posture, functional movement and good breathing and taking time out to do something for yourself to enhance your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Its founder Sam Hammond believes in a holistic approach to modern life, which includes functional exercise, good nutrition, sleep and connection to others.  

From a physical point of view her past focused heavily on weight training and middle distance running.  Whilst she was physically extremely fit she spent an increasing amount of time recovering from injury.  This was mainly attributed to poor posture and hypermobility. 

In 2013 she decided to review her training regime in favour of something that would help improve posture and functional movement to avoid injury…….enter the world of pilates!!  She found such benefit to this form of exercise that she decided to train as a Pilates Instructor and in 2016 opened The Wellness Studio.  

Yoga Team

“I passionately believe that Pilates and mindful movement can positively change lives. Whether you are an enthusiast or a professional, I can help you develop so you have what you need for a better, healthier way to live.  I believe that to achieve optimum health a combined approach is crucial which is why I aim to provide useful information and discussions to enable you to be the best version of yourself.


“Pilates is not just about great posture and a rock-hard core. It is more than just a physical exercise, and can radically enhance mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing”.

Joseph H. Pilates

Pilates Pose
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